Reading Notes: The Monkey Unit (Part B)
Bibliography: The Monkey Unit by R. Wilhelm sun-wu-kung-handsome-king-of-apes.html
The Lord of the Heavens sat in his castle and received complaints of the Dragon-King of the Eastern Sea and the ten Princesses of the Dead. The Lord looked through them and made an order to prison the Sun Wu King. But the evening star said that the monkey is very pure. The evening star took Sun Wu King up to the sky to get his punishment instead. The monkey went up to the heavens admitting that he has been wanting to go there and did not know the rules of the land. The monkey then thanked them for letting him into the heavens. He stayed up there for more than a month and his friends has created a banquet for him.
Sun Wu King asked what his title meant and asked if it was higher than everyone else. The stable master said that it is not high at all. He told him he was to attend to the steeds and if they grow fast he will be rewarded. The monkey king was not happy and said that they treated him much better on the land and that he was king there and he was not treated well here. He was then sent back to the earth and told his people what had happened and they said they would throw a banquet in his honor. He then said that he was equal to the heavens and named himself "The Great Saint Who Is Heaven's Equal."
The Lord of the Heavens was not happy when he heard what the ape had done. He order people to take the ape prisoner but they were not successful with their task. The lords people became very angry and turned into a monster and along followed the ape doing the same. The ape beat the lords person and he fled back to the heavens.
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